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B-List Archive

July 2005

Postings to the B-List.

Subject: B-List: Bombs Away!
Date: Sun, 3 July 2005 7:23:20 PM

1. "Jet accidentally drops bomb on hiking trail"
   < >
"Military officials are investigating why a jet fighter accidentally
 dropped a 25-pound practice bomb on a hiking trail a mile from its
 intended target in southeastern Pennsylvania"

2. "Fighter pilot mistakenly targets US school"
   < >
"A United States National Guard F-16 fighter plane has mistakenly fired
 25 rounds of ammunition at the Little Egg Harbour Intermediate School
 in South New Jersey"

3. "US bomber misses target for flypast at air show"
   < >
"An American B52 bomber flew from America for a flypast at the Farnborough
 Air Show yesterday but picked the wrong airfield"

4. "Harrier crash forces evacuations in Ariz."
   <,3566,159723,00.html >
"A Marine Harrier jet carrying four 500-pound bombs crashed Wednesday in a
 residential neighborhood, forcing the evacuation of 1,300 residences"

5. "British ships carried atomic weapons in 1982 Falklands War"
   < >
"British ships carried nuclear weapons to the Falkland Islands during the
 1982 war with Argentina because there wasn't time to unload them before
 setting off, according to an official history of the conflict published

Subject:  B-List: Homewreckers
Date: Tue, 5 July 2005 10:45:44 PM

1. "Ship crashed into house"  [expired link]
   < >
"A Croatian man who settled down to watch an action movie was almost killed
 when a runaway ship crashed through the wall"

2. "Norwegian tank strikes house, tank wins"
   < >
"[A] 26-ton tank slammed into Viken's house in Vassbotna, some 350 miles
 north of Oslo, the military said ... The tank went through a wall and
 part way into the bathroom"

3. "Satellite crushes house in China"
   < >
"State media in China are reporting that a Chinese satellite returning to
 earth crashed into a villager's house on Friday"

4. "Outhouse falls on man"
   <,5478,11773397%255E1702,00.html >
"The utility then struck a brick outhouse - which collapsed on a man in the
 yard - before crashing into a neighbouring house"

5. "Airborne car plows into Arkansas house"
   < >
"In one instant, Rickey May thought a bomb had gone off outside his home.
 In the next, he realized a car had crashed through his home's brick wall
 and landed on top of him in his bed"

6. "Crashing chooks ruffle residents' feathers"
   < >
"There are two reports of houses being damaged by plucked chickens crashing
 through their roofs in Newcastle in the New South Wales Hunter Valley"

7. "Fish-toting eagle crashes into alaska home"  [expired link]
   < >
"A bald eagle crashed through a window of a home and landed in the living
 room, scattering broken glass, feathers and a salmon carcass across the
 floor. Homeowner Jean Stack heard the crash and initially wondered if
 someone had thrown a dead fish through the window"

8. "Plane jettisons ice through Japanese roof"
   < >
"A block of ice which is believed to have fallen from an airplane has
 crashed through the roof of a house in Japan but no-one was injured"

Subject:  B-List: Sleepwalking Adventures
Date: Wed, 6 July 2005 10:14:19 PM

1. "Sleepwalking teen rescued from crane"
   < >
"A teenage sleepwalker was rescued after being found fast asleep 40 metres
 up on the arm of a crane in London"

2. "Sleep walker wakes up and falls off roof"
   < >
"Thomas Manninger climbed out of a first-floor window, shimmied up a drain-
 pipe and managed to walk across the roof of his house, before falling 20
 feet to the ground when he woke up and realised where he was"

3. "German sleepwalker wakes up stark naked on street"  [expired link]
   < >

4. "Sleep walker mows lawn naked"
   <,,2-1343-1347_1679282,00.html >
"A sleep-walking computer expert was caught by his wife mowing the lawn
 naked at 02:00"

5. "Sleepwalk plunge halts wedding"
   < >
"A couple's dream wedding had to be cancelled when the groom went sleep-
 walking and fell out of a window the night before"

6. "Sleepwalker cleared of murdering father"
   < >
"A British man was cleared of murdering his father after a court accepted
 his excuse he was sleepwalking at the time, a highly unusual defence
 seen just a handful of times in the country's legal history"

7. "Knife-wielding sleepwalker stabs hotel owner"
   < >
"A sleepwalker who stabbed the owner of a hotel in China where he was
 staying was freed after paying his victim compensation"


Diary of a Somnambulist
   < >
Someone is keeping a diary of their sleepwalking adventures.  The site
also has links on the topic of somnambulism.

Subject:  B-List: Dining Out Suggestions
Date: Wed, 13 July 2005 8:42:41 PM

1. "Restaurant offers diners new pitch on blind date"
   < >
"Diners rub their eyes as they emerge from behind a curtain after eating
 at France's only pitch black restaurant"
   "Dining in the dark in Paris"
   < >
   < >
"At 'Dans le Noir' -- In the Dark -- it's not just that the lights are off
 and curtains closed. Diners sit in a room of inky blackness that the eyes
 never adjust to"

2. "Hushed reception for the Café des Signes"
   <,3604,973593,00.html >
"France's first silent bistro, where most of the 45-strong staff cannot
 hear, has been opened officially after a month's trial on the left bank's
 Avenue Jean-Moulin and there is little chance of being served quickly
 unless you use a bit of imagination"

3. "A restaurant full of beds? Yep, it's no lie"
   < >
"What do I mean, a bed-filled restaurant? You know - a restaurant filled
 with about 30 king-size beds, tons of satin pillows and some very awkward-
 looking waiters bending down to change the sheets between customers"

4. "Piggybacking on other brands"
       brands.html >
"Cereality, a Boulder, Colorado, company this Wednesday opens its first
 full scale, sit-down restaurant, near the campus of the University of
 Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The Philly location will serve 33 kinds of
 name-brand cereal, along with Cereality-created cereals, and specialty
 items like cereal bars... Cereality servers wear pajamas. The restaurants
 are starting out near college campuses, because as the New York Times
 reported several weeks ago on its front page, cereal is all the rage as
 the latest college eating trend"

5. "St Peter's Basilica, serving heavenly coffee"
   < >
"St Peter's Basilica now has its own rooftop coffee bar... Located on the
 terrace at the base of the cupola designed by Michelangelo, it commands a
 breathtaking view of St Peter's Square all the way to the Tiber River and

6. "For the ultimate control freak: cook-it-yourself"
   < >
"Well, according to Time, 'restaurants where diners chop, grill, boil or
 dip their food are hot in the heartland'"

Subject:  B-List: Vocab Boost
Date: Thu, 14 July 2005 9:28:53 PM

1. "New words for Collins English Dictionary"
   < >
"Chavs, yarcos and neds - these are the new tribes of Britain, as defined
 by compilers of the latest edition of the Collins English Dictionary"

2. "Online dictionary breathes life into English"
   < >
"Collins has launched a 'Living Dictionary' which can help people decipher
 new English terms like Santa stress, tinseltastic, mucus trooper or

3. "Dictionary says Americans getting phatter"
   < >
"Fed up with your McJob? Then curb your agita with a phat brewski and be
 grateful you did not throw away your last dead presidents on the latest
 dead-cat bounce on the market"

4. "New words are added to dictionary"
   < >
"A former dot-commer working a McJob was listening to some headbangers
 while laying out the last of his dead presidents for longnecks and some
 less than heart-healthy Frankenfood"

5. "Oxford 'bada bings' its latest dictionary"
   < >
"'Bada bing', the catchphrase popularised by the hit television show The
 Sopranos, has earned a place alongside 3,000 other new entries in the
 latest edition of the Oxford Dictionary of English"

6. "McDonald's CEO upset over 'McJob' entry"
   < >
"McDonald's says it deserves a break from the unflattering way the latest
 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary depicts its job opportunities.
 Among some 10,000 new additions to an updated version released in June
 was the term 'McJob,' defined as 'low paying and dead-end work.'"

7. "Farmers stew over 'couch potato'"
   < >
"Farmers want 'couch potato' removed from the dictionary because they
 believe the expression is damaging the vegetable's image"

8. "Website embedded in naming top words, phrases"
   < >
"'Embedded', as in the reporters assigned to accompany military units
 during the war, beat out 'blog' and 'SARS' as the top word of 2003,
 website said"

9. "'Ginormous' tops non-dictionary word list"
       0,6431077.story >
"The editors of Merriam-Webster dictionaries got more than 3,000 entries
 when, in a lighthearted moment, they asked visitors to their Web site to
 submit their favorite words that aren't in the dictionary"

10. "Vatican breathes new life into Latin"
   < >
"An up-to-date Latin dictionary produced by the Vatican goes on sale this
 week, modernising a language considered by many best left consigned to
 history... In their day, Rome's rulers might have benefited from a
 'telephonium albo televisifico coniunctum' - or video telephone - to
 stay in touch with distant parts of the empire"

Subject:  B-List: Google Moon + Google Earth
Date: Thu, 21 July 2005 8:24:42 PM

1. Google Moon
   < >

Google Maps, but with imagery of the Moon:
"In honor of the first manned Moon landing, which took place on July 20,
 1969, we've added some NASA imagery to the Google Maps interface to help
 you pay your own visit to our celestial neighbor"

If you zoom in close enough, you'll find out what the Moon is really made

BTW, the Moon is in perigee today (July 21) - which means the Moon is at
its closest point in its orbit around the Earth (in the current cycle).
If you want to find out more, check out ...
"Inconstant Moon: The Moon at Perigee and Apogee"
   < >

2. Google Earth
   < >

or, Google Maps on steroids.  It's a desktop app which takes Google Maps
to a new level.  I've held off on featuring this because it's Windows-
only (currently).

Subject:  B-List: Some Time-Wasters
Date: Sun, 31 July 2005 5:05:45 PM

I haven't been able to post much lately.  Here are a few time-wasters
that should keep you busy for a while ...

1. iPod Flea
   < >
[Huge] QuickTime movie, a parody of Apple iPods.

2. Moby Blaster
   < >
A Breakout <> clone [Shockwave].

3. Notepad Invaders
   < >
A version of Space Invaders < >.
I managed 15530 points before the sounds got too annoying.

4. Mergeroids
   < >
Asteroids < > with a political bent.

5. Snow Storm
   < >
Make like Homer J. Simpson and clear snow from the parking lot.

6. Planarity
   < >
A thinking game: arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap.
I completed level 7, scoring 2071 points, then got bored.

7. Test your geography:
 * European Geography Level 3
   < >
   My score: 40/45 89%, average error=29 miles, time=362 seconds
 * Asian Geography Level 3
   < >
   My score: 27/32 84%

8. Infocom Adventures
   < >
Play Infocom Adventures online [require Java].  These were big when
I got my first computer, but I was never into them.

9. The Hitchhiker Adventure Game - 20th Anniversary Edition
   < >
Requires Flash.

10. Calculator Words
   < >
Learn a "language" consisting of English written with the digits of a


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