B-List Archive
January/February 2001
Postings to the B-List.
Subject: Fancy a Big Mac?
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 12:46:17 +1030 (CST)
You probably know that a Big Mac consists of the following ingredients:
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions,
on a sesame seed bun.
But what does "all-beef" really mean?
Apparently ...
30 grams flaked or ground beef shin (including gristle, ????, and fat)
16 grams beef mince (including heart, tongue, and more)
10 grams mechanically recovered meat (MRM) obtained by stripping the
remains of the carcass and grinding the bits into a fine slurry
20 grams water
2 grams salt and spices
1 gram monosodium glutamate and colouring
5 grams poly????
Question marks denote illegible bits.
[from the CD booklet for Radiohead's OK Computer]
I hope this doesn't spoil your taste for the exquisite cuisine that
is the McDonalds Big Mac :)
Subject: B-List: Klein Bottles
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:58:12 +1030 (CST)
The Acme Klein Bottle
< http://www.kleinbottle.com/ >
Apparently this is a hot item among the "wired generation".
Not sure what I make of it, but it's worth a quick look.
* What's a Klein Bottle?
< http://www.kleinbottle.com/whats_a_klein_bottle.htm >
Find out what it is, the principle behind it, and the inventor.
Also has a link to a page showing how to make one.
* A "practical" use - the Klein Stein
< http://www.kleinbottle.com/drinking_mug_klein_bottle.htm >
* Some custom models
< http://www.kleinbottle.com/custom_klein_bottles.htm >
* Specs and warnings
< http://www.kleinbottle.com/specs_for_nice_klein_bottl.htm >
Subject: B-List: .com Monopoly
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 09:37:12 +1030 (CST)
Monopoly, the .com edition
< http://www.monopoly.com/dotcom/dotcom.html >
Updated for the 21st Century. Check out the game board:
< http://www.monopoly.com/dotcom/board_big.html >
Interesting to see who _isn't_ there.
Some things to do the next time your in London ...
* A Big 'Monopoly' Day Out
< http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/activity/daysout/monopoly.htm >
Follow the instructions and take a tour of the places featured
in the game.
* The Monopoly Board Pub Crawl
< http://members.aol.com/whitelegg/monopoly/ >
< http://www.geocities.com/johnandruthwedding/monopolyfp.htm >
< http://www.hubbub.fsnet.co.uk/pubcrawl99.htm >
< http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/clem_uk/MONO2.HTM >
Obviously quite a popular activity.
Subject: B-List: A couple of freebies
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:54:31 +1030 (CST)
Two more free services on internet ...
1. Free Worldwide SMS
< http://www.freesms.net/ >
Simple and effective, though they do append an advertisement to the end
of your message. Supports many carriers around the world, but only
Telstra and Vodaphone in Aus. But then again, who would use any of the
puny telcos anyway :)
2. Translation service
< http://www.freetranslation.com/ >
Does the usual text entry and web page translation, of the standard lingos:
French, Spanish, German. But it does do Norwegian.
A nice touch is support for the entry of special characters (ie accents,
umlauts etc).
Subject: B-List: "Secret" Nokia 24hr SOS number??
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 17:56:34 +1030 (CST)
If you have a Nokia mobile, try this ...
1. Lock the keypad
2. Enter 112
This is the only number you can enter and call when the keypad is
locked. I called the number once, accidentally, but hung up
before anyone answered.
I noticed in a Nokia pamphlet something about a special 24hr SOS
number that you can apply for. Maybe "112" is that number?
Subject: Re: B-List: "Secret" Nokia 24hr SOS number??
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 11:22:36 +1030 (CST)
It seems that "112" is in fact a special emergency number. But not just
for Nokia phones. It's part of the GSM standard.
Other "features" of GSM are listed here:
< http://www.cellular.co.za/gsm-features.htm >
In most countries it's a free call. Also, some phones allow dialling
of 112 _without_ a SIM.
A list of standard GSM network feature codes is available at:
< http://www.accesscomms.com.au/gsmcodes.htm >
Carrier test numbers:
< http://www.accesscomms.com.au/test.htm >
Links to Nokia phone "secret" codes:
< http://cellphones.about.com/gadgets/cellphones/library/blnokiasecretscodes.htm >
The "Ultimate" UK SMS and Nokia site:
< http://www.uksms.co.uk/ >
Also has logos, animated sms messages, secrets, ringtones and free sms service.
What does your phone number spell?
< http://www.phonespell.org/ >
Subject: B-List: AdCritic.com
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 14:42:41 +1030 (CST)
AdCritic.com: Commercials - All Ads, All The Time
< http://www.adcritic.com/ >
Has loads of TV ads in QuickTime format. Searchable. And if they don't
have it on their hard drives, they'll probably have a link to someone who
Subject: B-List: Latest from T-Bone
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:38:36 +1030 (CST)
Sample the latest shockwave silliness from the sick puppies at T-Bone ...
* Lessons In Pole Licking
< http://www.boneland.com/movies/lpl/index.html >
* High Impact Workout
< http://www.boneland.com/toys/hiw/index.html >
* Smooth Talkin' Cupid
< http://www.boneland.com/more/stc/index.html >
Subject: B-List: Chia
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 10:58:37 +1030 (CST)
Some Chia-related sites. What is Chia? Click on the links to find out.
1. Chia Pet / Chia Head
< http://www.chiapet.com/cgi-bin/webc.exe/chiapet.html >
2. Tai-Chia Pet
< http://www.squish.com/goodnames/taichia/ >
An online, step-by-step guide to the art of Chia. Click on the Tai Chia
Pet Master to start the lesson.
3. The Chia Pet Zoo
< http://www.gotdablues.com/pets.htm >
For a change of pace, check out these interesting road signs:
< http://www.gotdablues.com/dsigns.htm >
Subject: B-List: Astro Pic of the Day
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:24:09 +1030 (CST)
Astronomy Picture of the Day
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html >
Check out the archives:
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html >
or Search for something in particular:
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/apod/apod_search >
* A Sonic Boom:
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap010221.html >
* Fire on Earth
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap001121.html >
* First Eclipse of the Third Millenium
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap010104.html >
* Panoramic view of the Earth at Night:
< http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap001127.html >
Subject: B-List: Has Apple gone too far?
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:51:29 +1030 (CST)
The Flower Power iMac
< http://www.apple.com/imac/ >
Also available in Blue Dalmation, or for the less flamboyant, Indigo
and Graphite.
But what I'd really like is a new Titanium PowerBook G4 ...
< http://www.apple.com/powerbook/ >
Slot loading DVD, 15.2 inch widescreen LCD, G4 processor.
Subject: B-List: BadMovies.org
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 11:27:29 +1030 (CST)
< http://www.badmovies.org/ >
This site contains reviews, info and multimedia relating to B-movies.
Find about "Godzilla Vs Mothra", "Cannibal! The Musical" and other
cinematic gems.
* B-Movie Reviews
< http://www.badmovies.org/movies/ >
* Reader Reviews
< http://www.badmovies.org/othermovies/ >
The "inspiration" for this post came after I stumbled upon a bizarre yet
absorbing movie called "A Boy and His Dog" on ACE TV. For those who don't
know, ACE TV is a community-based television station in Adelaide. Anyway,
this film "stars" Don Johnson and the dog who played Tiger in the Brady
Bunch. Jason Robards attempts to lend some credibility to the cast. The
film is set in 2024 following World War III or IV, and apparently inspired
the creators of Mad Max. It's very low-budget, with lots of twisted bits.
And the ending is a shocker. Here are some reviews:
< http://www.badmovies.org/movies/boyanddog/ >
< http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue95/classic.html >
< http://home.golden.net/~csp/reviews/boyanddog.htm >
Subject: B-List: IllusionWorks
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 13:01:01 +1030 (CST)
Optical Illusions at IllusionWorks
< http://www.illusionworks.com/ >
A comprehensive site containing examples, explanations, links etc.
Check out ...
* Hall of Illusions
< http://www.illusionworks.com/html/hall_of_illusions.html >
Lots of stuff here, some familiar and some not.
* Multimedia Puzzles (shockwave)
< http://www.illusionworks.com/html/puzzles.html >
* Illusions in Art
< http://www.illusionworks.com/html/illusion_art_museum.html >
< http://www.illusionworks.com/html/art_of_m._c._escher.html >
< http://www.illusionworks.com/html/art_of_orovitz.html >
If you're a fan of Escher, go to:
< http://www.WorldOfEscher.com/gallery/ >