B-List Archive
September 2000
Postings to the B-List.
Subject: B-List: Cr@pCo
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 09:42:54 +0930 (CST)
CrapCo -- The internet's premier satire and parody humor site
< http://www.crapco.com/index1.html >
I don't think this site is as good as they think it is, but it's ok.
* Adopt-A-Dog (or Cat or Fish)
< http://www.crapco.com/dog/index.html >
* Ask an Arrogant Ba$t@rd
< http://www.crapco.com/bastard/index1.html >
* B.A.D. Ads
< http://www.crapco.com/badads/index1.html >
* Bizarre Bazaar (for shoppers)
< http://www.crapco.com/mall/index1.html >
* Movie Reviews
< http://www.crapco.com/movies/index.html >
* Horoscope - Pablo's Predictions
< http://www.crapco.com/predictions/index.html >
* Left Overs
< http://www.crapco.com/surprise/index1.html >
* Life's Little Destruction Book
< http://www.crapco.com/books/ >
Subject: B-List: Ad Parody Dementia
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 12:02:59 +0930 (CST)
Digital Dementia - Ad Parodies
If you can't get enough of ad parodies ...
* Break The Buying Habit
< http://www.cris.com/~outlawyr/adparody.shtml >
* Shadow 2000
< http://www.cris.com/~outlawyr/ad1.shtml >
* Malboro Lights
< http://www.cris.com/~outlawyr/ad2.shtml >
Smokers may not like this one.
There might be other stuff of interest via the Home Page link.
Pass on any worthwhile links.
Subject: B-List: Pet Postcards
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 12:52:25 +0930 (CST)
Silly Chilly's Pet Postcards
< http://www.sillychilly.com/ >
Send someone a cute pet postcard.
Subject: B-List: Mixed Bag
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 12:40:14 +0930 (CST)
Some distractions ...
1. Superbad.com
< http://www.superbad.com >
Random graphics. Just click on things and see what happens.
2. CatchPhrase
< http://www.hidaho.com/catchphrase/ >
Generate random phrases,
* Buy my lavender smelly umbrella
* Kiss my nasty penguin
You can add words to the lists if the phrases become predictable.
3. Assorted amusements
< http://www.lunchboxstudios.com/pages/playground.menu.html >
from Lunchbox Studios.
4. The Movie Name Game
< http://www.movienamegame.com/ >
Read or make up humorous film names.
5. Savage Delights: Jola and Wil Savage
< http://www.netgsi.com/~savage/ >
An internet soapie, RPG?
Subject: B-List: The Secret Fun Spot
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:37:57 +0930 (CST)
The Secret Fun Spot
< http://www.secretfunspot.com/ >
* Mascots
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/mascots.htm >
* Trick Or Treat
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/trickor.htm >
* Madcap Toys (including celebrity dolls)
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/photo.htm >
* Dig For Memories
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/doyou.htm >
* Tourist Traps
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/tourist.htm >
* Fantastic Plastic (trinkets and stuff)
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/fp%20fantastic_plastic.htm >
* Eye Candy (including pictures of loch ness monster, big foot, etc)
< http://hammer.prohosting.com/~sfspot/eyecandy.htm >
Among others.
Subject: B-List: sux.com
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:29:06 +0930 (CST)
Sux: Everything in the World that SUX
< http://www.sux.com/ >
Not sure what to make of this site. According to the webmaster:
"www.sux.com and it's many subdomains are meant as a bit of humour,
but also a place where people can have real gripes about serious
issues as we know alot things in this world SUX"
Warning: some offensive language here.
* People that Sux
< http://www.people.sux.com >
* Archives
< http://www.sux.com/search.php3 >
Plus links to other sites, eg:
* Microsoft sux
< http://www.microsoft.sux.com/ >
* Steve Horan's web site
< http://steve.goldenterrace.com.au/ >
This last link is probably the highlight.
Subject: B-List: Elle Online Models
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:45:00 +0930 (CST)
Elle magazine online - Models
< http://www.elle.co.jp/ellemag/models/index.htm >
Dressups and other stuff
Subject: B-List: The Edge CloneZone
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 14:21:15 +0930 (CST)
The Edge - CloneZone
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/entertainment/clonezone.htm >
Some mildly amusing games, based on the idea of mixing DNA from different
Try creating new hybrid animals or celebrities:
* Original Clone'O'Matic - farmyard
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/entertainment/clone.htm >
* Celebrity Clone'O'Matic
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/entertainment/celeb.htm >
* Celebrity Clone'O'Matic 2
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/entertainment/celeb2.htm >
Other games:
* Roach
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/entertainment/roach.htm >
* Dan's Dash to the End Zone
< http://www.sun-sentinel.com/graphics/sports/dan.htm >
Subject: B-List: Dunk A Candidate
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 13:46:09 +0930 (CST)
T-Bone's Who Wants To Dunk A Candidate?
< http://www.boneland.com/toys/wwdc/index.html >
Another toy from boneland.com. This one takes aim at the candidates
for the 2000 US Presidential race.
Subject: B-List: IT Olympics 2000
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 09:33:31 +0930 (CST)
The Information Technology Olympics 2000
< http://www.itolympics.org/ >
Subject: B-List: Cheerio's Playroom
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 09:40:19 +0930 (CST)
Cheerio's Playroom
< http://www.zeeks.com/cheeriosplayroom/CheeriosMain.html >
Mainly for little kids, but you guys might like it too.
* Build-a-Zeek
< http://www.zeeks.com/cheeriosplayroom/detect.html?build >
* Toy Corner
< http://www.zeeks.com/cheeriosplayroom/detect.html?toys >
* Music Maker
< http://www.zeeks.com/cheeriosplayroom/detect.html?music >
* Barnyard Buddies
< http://www.zeeks.com/cheeriosplayroom/detect.html?barnyard >
Subject: B-List: MyVirtualLife.com
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 11:01:06 +0930 (CST)
< http://www.myvirtualife.com/ >
I'll let them explain their site ...
MyVirtuaLife.com is the online entertainment community where
you're rewarded for having fun!
Want to take a break from your life? Want to have fun? At
MyVirtuaLife.com you can have fun and get rewarded for it.
MyVirtuaLife.com starts with an interactive sitcom called
"My Life Today" where you get to be the star of your new
virtual life. Everyday you will find a new episode where
you get to decide what you want your character to do. You
get to make all the decisions for your virtual life. Like
choosing to ask out the hottie sitting at the end of the
bar. Or choosing what you really want to say to your annoying
co-worker. The decision is all yours. Plus, you'll find other
cool games and contests where you can win cash and prizes, all
while you're having fun.
Subject: B-List: Latin Quotes
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:00:21 +0930 (CST)
Latin Quotes
< http://jurai.murdoch.edu.au/azure/latin.html >
Get yourself a motto.
There are some classic ones, but a few "modern" creations.
Labra lege.
Read my lips.
Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.
Thank you for not smoking.
Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Tu, rattus turpis!
You dirty rat!
Age. Fac ut gaudeam. [as featured on Phil Kernick's sig]
Go ahead. Make my day!
Vescere bracis meis!
Eat my shorts!
Lege et lacrima.
Read it and weep
Ne feceris ut rideam.
Don't make me laugh
Veni, vidi, nates calce concidi.
I came, I saw, I kicked ass
Subject: B-List: The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:15:38 +0930 (CST)
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
< http://www.yucky.com/ >
Another kid-oriented site. I've included links for both flash-enabled
and flash-challenged browsers
* Yucky Gross & Cool Body
< http://www.yucky.com/flash/body/ >
< http://www.yucky.com/noflash/body/ >
Find out about burps, ear wax, zits, dandruff and other stuff
* Yucky Roach World
< http://www.yucky.com/flash/roaches/ >
< http://www.yucky.com/noflash/roaches/ >
All about cockroaches
* Yucky Worm World
< http://www.yucky.com/flash/worm/ >
< http://www.yucky.com/noflash/worm/ >
All about worms
* Yucky Fun & Games
< http://www.yucky.com/flash/fun_n_games/ >
< http://www.yucky.com/noflash/fun_n_games/ >
Including creepy crafts, revolting recipes and icky experiments
Subject: B-List: Movie Bloopers Online
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:48:33 +0930 (CST)
Movie Bloopers Online
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/ >
Check out bloopers from various movies.
* Action
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/action/index.html >
* Comedy
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/comedy/index.html >
* Cult Movies
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/cult/index.html >
* Drama
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/drama/index.html >
* Horror
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/horror/index.html >
* Sci-Fi
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/sci-fi/index.html >
* Star Wars Trilogy
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/starwars/index.html >
There's also an entertainment trivia quiz
< http://www.moviebloopers.com/games/index.html >