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Tech Papers

This page provides links to a series of technical papers which I've prepared regarding Software Development and Java-related technologies.


Software Process and Improvement

The purpose of this paper was to bring together some of my readings and thoughts regarding Software Process and Improvement while I was working at Camtech back in 2000.

Additional information can be obtained by way of hyperlinks to online resources which are provided both in the body and at the end of the paper.

Lately I've been reading a lot about Agile methodologies, and have reached the conclusion that they are very appropriate for projects carried out by small teams. Some or all of this paper may still be relevant for some projects.


Server-side Java Technology Investigations Series

The purpose of these papers is to provide a broad overview of the technologies. Each paper describes how the technology works and how it can be used to create a simple, form-based application. Various implementation issues are discussed, including the suitability of each technology to the development of object frameworks.

Additional information can be obtained by way of lists of related online resources which are provided at the end of each paper.

Java Servlets

A Servlet is a Java component that can be plugged into a Java-enabled web server to provide custom services.

The paper explores the capabilities of "pure" servlets in the context of developing web-based applications.

JavaServer Pages

A JavaServer page is a page created by the web developer that includes JSP technology-specific tags, declarations, and possibly scriptlets, in combination with other static (HTML or XML) tags. A JSP technology-based page has the extension .jsp; this signals to the web server that the JSP technology-enabled engine will process elements on this page.

The paper explores the capabilities of JavaServer Pages (JSPs) in the context of developing web-based applications.


WebMacro is a free Java servlet development framework, including a template language and extensible component model. It uses beans and introspection to make any Java object in your servlet accessible in templates.

The paper explores the capabilities of WebMacro technology in the context of developing web-based applications.


NetDynamics is a proprietary, Java-based application server and development environment.

Here are some notes which provide a broad overview of NetDynamics.


Oracle Materialized Views

This paper provides a brief overview of Oracle 8i's materialized views.