B-List Archive
May 2003
Postings to the B-List.
Subject: B-List: Launch of B-List blog / May Day
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 08:06:33 +0930
After three years of B-List emails I've decided to start posting
to a weblog format. This will make it easier to create and update
postings, and I won't have to contend with people changing email
addresses and email outages.
The B-List blog is here:
< http://b-list.blogspot.com/ >
Don't forget the "-", otherwise you'll get someone else's blog.
Today is the 1st of May - May Day. What's it all about? Here's a
site dedicated to May Day:
< http://www.mayweek.ab.ca/ >
The History of May Day:
< http://workers.labor.net.au/51/c_historicalfeature_may.html >
Subject: B-List: Name The Movie
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 07:53:17 +0930
Life imitates art ...
1. "Real life mafia godfathers seeking help on the psychiatrist's couch"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_751929.html >
2. "Face transplants 'on the horizon'"
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2516181.stm >
3. "Woman Says She Hears Animals Talking"
< http://www.newsnet5.com/specialassignment/1999733/detail.html >
4. "Four US soldiers 'held for $1m theft'"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,942276,00.html >
5. "Hundreds of 'gladiators' march in Rome"
< http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2003/04/21/70011-ap.html >
6. "Minnesota boy burned trying to mimic Jackass stunt"
< http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2003/04/18/68348-ap.html >
Subject: B-List: Annoyances.org +
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 08:09:40 +0930
1. Annoyances.org
< http://www.annoyances.org/ >
"Annoyances.org is the most complete collection of information assembled
for and by actual users of Microsoft Windows."
* Annoyances: Humour
< http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/category09 >
Some Selections:
+ Undocumented Error Codes
< http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-118 >
+ Top 20 Ways Microsoft Would Change The Auto Industry
< http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-123 >
+ If Cars Were Like Computers
< http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-015 >
* Die Clippy Die
< http://www.annoyances.org/pictures/clippydeath.gif >
< http://vibrantlogic.com/ new.html >
I've broken the link just for safety. Other browsers don't seem to
have any problems with the page.
3. Download the Internet
< http://www.w3schools.com/downloadwww.htm >
Subject: B-List: How male or female is your brain?
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 08:12:39 +0930
"They just can't help it"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/story/0,13026,937913,00.html >
"What kind of brain do you have? There really are big differences between
the male and female brain, says Simon Baron-Cohen."
The author has written a book ("The Essential Difference") to explain his theory.
"How male or female is your brain?" - Take the tests
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/news/page/0,12983,937443,00.html >
There are two components in the theory, Empathy Quotient (EQ) and Systemising
Quotient (SQ). The relationship between these two numbers is used to
determine what type of brain you have: male, female or balanced.
Two questionnaires are provided to help you work out your EQ and SQ.
Interactive versions of the questionnaires (Flash required) are provided:
EQ < http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/flash/page/0,13249,937836,00.html >
SQ < http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/flash/page/0,13249,937835,00.html >
Non-interactive versions are also available, but you have to work out your
scores manually:
EQ < http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/table/0,13235,937442,00.html >
SQ < http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/table/0,13235,937441,00.html >
Each quiz has 60 questions.
My scores:
EQ = 43 (slightly above average for a male)
SQ = 48 (above average)
To find out your brain type, use the instructions on this page:
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/image/0,13030,938137,00.html >
Subject: B-List: Music To The Ears?
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 07:57:03 +0930
1. "Music to computer's ear, but to yours?"
< http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/arizonaliving/articles/0510music10.html >
2. "Bus depot to try classical Muzak to shoo loiterers"
< http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/weird_news/5178834.htm >
3. "Vivaldi proves no deterrent for gallery's Goths"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_748118.html >
4. "Mozart and Bach keep the doctor away"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_753133.html >
5. "Shatner's 'Lucy in the Sky' worst Beatles cover"
< http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/0506Shatner-ON.html >
"Shatner's dubious honour"
< http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6382690%5E13780,00.html >
6. "Madonna: 'I hate my music'"
< http://www.itv.com/news/721065.html >
7. "Woman wakes from seven year coma at Bryan Adams concert"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_759638.html >
8. "Eminem tops league of inspirational music for footballers"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/news/story/0,11711,952253,00.html >
9. "Violent song lyrics increase aggression"
< http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993695 >
" Eminem may cause you to crash"
< http://www.itv.com/news/1770115.html >
10. "Classics calm strays at Austrian animal centre"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_775923.html >
Subject: B-List: SMS Alerts
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 08:30:43 +0930
1. "SMS essay rings alarm bells for youth literacy"
< http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/03/03/1046540139361.html >
2. "SMS service to call time on truants"
< http://www.electricnews.net/news.html?code=9360293 >
3. "Picture message convicts robbers"
< http://uk.news.yahoo.com/030215/4/dtats.html >
4. "Chinese police hope text messages will deter crime"
< http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s814235.htm >
5. "Crooks caught out by SMS crime crackdown"
< http://www.silicon.com/news/500018/1/1036260.html >
6. "Football manager sacked by text message"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_754041.html >
7. "First case of sacking via SMS"
< http://it.asia1.com.sg/newsarchive/07/news004_20010724.html >
8. "Philippines bans txt confessions"
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2817407.stm >
9. "Norwegians can complete tax forms by SMS"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_766969.html >
Subject: B-List: Colin Fahey's Excellent/Bogus SAT Adventure
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 07:57:03 +0930
Colin Fahey's Excellent/Bogus SAT Adventure
< http://www.colinfahey.com/2003apr5_sat/2003apr5_sat.htm >
From the Introduction:
"The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is dreaded by high school juniors and
seniors because a single SATurday morning can ruin the rest of their lives!
"This article describes my system for getting extraordinary raw scores on
this challenging test. Rather than fight the test, I use the SAT's
difficulty to my advantage, leveraging down to a new, elite level of
"Answering all questions incorrectly!
"On 2003 April 5th, a Saturday, at the age of 33, I threw away my dignity,
mocked my Ivy League education, disgraced my Master's degree, and proved,
in just over three hours, that humans can do things 'The System' didn't
Did he succeed? Read all the gory details in his (very) long report.
Subject: B-List: That's Bogus
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 07:51:19 +0930
Stories about imposters, pretenders, fakes and other things bogus.
1. "Imposter Sites"
< http://www.kapptv.com/index.php?section_id=668&xstate=view_story&story_id=139577 >
2. "New virus hides as bogus Microsoft mail"
< http://www.businessworld.ie/livenews.htm?a=683944;s=rollingnews.htm >
3. "Pretend millionaire almost gets $1.5 million tax return"
< http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2003/04/16/67078-ap.html >
4. "Online impostor busted for billion-yen bogus bidding"
< http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20030520p2a00m0fp021000c.html >
5. "Teen arrested for posing as teacher"
< http://www.wsmv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1251110 >
6. "Man 22, tried to sit exam for 12-year-old sister"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_776267.html >
7. "Police arrest man disguised as schoolgirl"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_777095.html >
8. "Fake Security Guard Steals From Business"
< http://www.click2houston.com/news/2207364/detail.html >
9. "Couple Arrested For Fake Dental Practice"
< http://www.thewpbfchannel.com/news/2188343/detail.html >
10. "Impersonator's skits win him spot in prison"
< http://www.belleville.com/mld/newsdemocrat/5881630.htm >
11. "Lookalikes line up to play Saddam"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_776020.html >
12. "Story on top NK defector proves bogus"
< http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/Weekly2003/05.20.2003/NKorea.htm >
Subject: B-List: Celebrity Watch
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 08:04:01 +0930
1. "One third of people suffer from celebrity worship"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_779674.html >
2. "Idol moments: New research shows that following a favourite celebrity
can result in extreme behavioural patterns"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/story/0,13026,955193,00.html >
3. "The 10 Most Overexposed Stars Of 2002"
< http://www.local6.com/sh/entertainment/stories/entertainment-186078420021230-111204.html? >
4. "Top 5 Crankiest Celebs"
< http://entertainment.msn.com/news/article.aspx?news=110842 >
5. "Fleet of limos for J Lo 100-metre trip"
< http://uk.news.yahoo.com/030228/80/dudw0.html >
6. "Jacko becomes masked fast-food crusader"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_783699.html >
7. "Michael Jackson suffers 'reaction to lawsuits'"
< http://in.news.yahoo.com/030523/137/24irg.html >
8. "Madonna blasts manufactured pop"
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/2893239.stm >
9. "Madonna sweeps worst film awards"
< http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s813839.htm >
10. "Models aren't malnourished, they're naturally skinny: study"
< http://abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s787601.htm >
Subject: B-List: New Crime-Fighting Techniques
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 07:58:21 +0930
1. "Techno crime fighting"
< http://cooltown.hp.com/mpulse/1101-cybercrime.asp >
2. "Webcam thwarts robbery in Brazil"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_770544.html >
3. "Cardboard cops to crack crime"
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/2990875.stm >
4. "Police, dressed as homeless, give tickets"
< http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/breaking_news/5919988.htm >
5. "In-store jail deters shoplifters"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_762656.html >
6. "Police contemplate using stand-up scooter"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_781552.html >
7. "Locker room sting hangs up cellphone thief"
< http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=79&art_id=qw1053580141367B265&set_id=1 >
Subject: B-List: The Microsoft iLoo Saga + May Postings Reloaded
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:21:05 +0930
1. The Microsoft iLoo Saga
You may have heard about Microsoft's new must-have product, the iLoo.
First it was announced in an official press release, next MS said it
was a prank, then finally they admitted it was an actual product idea.
* "MSN Launches World's First 'Internet Loo'" - Press release
< http://www.toiletmuseum.com/iloo.html >
Here's a picture:
< http://www.toiletmuseum.com/techno/iloo2.jpg >
* "Busted flush"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,955180,00.html >
* "iLoo plans go down the tube"
< http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/comment/story/0,12449,955838,00.html >
* "Microsoft Tries To Close the Lid on iLoo"
< http://www.osopinion.com/perl/story/21510.html >
If you're game, check out other "Technotoilet" ideas:
< http://www.toiletmuseum.com/techno.html >
2. May Postings Reloaded
[Name The Movie]
* "Bird attack on German woman recalls Hitchcock frightener"
< http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s864001.htm >
* "Flock of crows goes Hitchcock"
< http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6508215%5E13762,00.html >
[SMS Alerts]
* "Man sacked by SMS takes on employer"
< http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/20/1053196579449.html >
* "Stricken sailors alert coastguard by text"
< http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_782627.html >
[That's Bogus]
* "'Muggings' Via Technology"
< http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/05/16/eveningnews/consumer/main554295.shtml >
[Celebrity Watch]
* "Oops! Bill Gates, Tom Brokaw forget to pay for coffees at South Dakota cafe"
< http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2003/05/16/89048-ap.html >
[New Crime-Fighting Techniques]
* "Proposal: Webcams to keep homeland safe"
< http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/05/27/cams.homeland.ap/index.html >