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Star Wars Name Generator

Use this form to work out your "Star Wars" name.

Star Wars Name Generator
First Name:
Last Name:
Position of dash in
Star Wars first name:
Mother's Maiden Name:
City of Birth:
First Car Owned/Driven:
Last Medication Taken:

Star Wars Name:

How to determine your Star Wars name

For your new first name:

  1. Take the first three letters of your first name
  2. Add the first two letters of your last name
  3. Add a dash somewhere, if you want

For your new last name:

  1. Take the first two letters of your mother's maiden name
  2. Add the first three letters of the city in which you were born

How to determine your Star Wars honorific and title:

  1. Take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them
  2. Add the name of the first car you drove/owned
  3. Insert the word "of"
  4. Tack on the name of the last medication you took

Copyleft © 2002, Bruno Andrighetto